Who We Are

Established in 1977

We do not attend church, we are the church, and we exist to spread hope throughout our families, our communities, and the world. Jesus has saved us from our pasts, remaking and healing our hearts - we are passionate about helping as many people as possible experience that exact same freedom.

Where We Come From

Emmanuel Church was birthed in the living room of Darrel & Pauline Towles in Whiteland, IN. The church opened its doors on Easter 1977 with 17 people. Founding Pastor Jim Devney retired in 2006 after 29 years of growth and faithful service. Danny Anderson, then High School Pastor, stepped into the role of Lead Pastor. Through a commitment to the Word of God, Emmanuel Church continues to see lives transformed each week.

Where We're Headed

We are on a relentless pursuit of those who do not have a relationship with Jesus. We want to help change the world, one heart and community at a time. As part of this vision, Emmanuel extended beyond our Greenwood, Indiana roots and became a multi-site church with the launch of our Banta (2013), Franklin (2015), Online (2018), Garfield Park (2019), Seymour (2022), Martinsville (2023),  Greenwood East (2024), and Columbus (2025).  And we're just getting started.  Check out our 12in12 vision by clicking on the button below.


What This Means for You

No matter who you are, what you've been through, or where you're from, you are welcome at Emmanuel Church. God's family is no ordinary family - wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we’re here for you, ready to come alongside to help you take your next steps.

Welcome home!