eMicrosite FAQ

FAQ – Emmanuel Church eMicrosites

o What is an eMicrosite?
eMicrosites are pop-up church experiences strategically located around the country and world to reach people with the hope and love of Jesus. Rather than waiting for people to come to church, we bring it to them by live streaming services and partnering with local leaders. The message is always Jesus, and the goal is always to connect people with a community of believers who will encourage them on their faith journey.

o What does it take to start an eMicrosite?
An internet connection! Seriously, if you can watch our services via YouTube, you can be a part of launching an eMicrosite in your community.

o Who can lead an eMicrosite?
You! If you have a desire for your community to come to Christ and grow in Christ, we want you to lead an eMicrosite. Go to: eclife.org/emicrosite and click on Become an eMicrosite Leader. Fill out the brief form online and our Online Campus Pastor will reach out to you about your next step.

o How many people do we need to start one?
We just need YOU to get started! We will use our website to connect people in your community to you through an online map!

o What is expected of an eMicrosite leader?
You are the face of Emmanuel Church in your community. We want to bring the hope of Jesus to every corner of the world. Your role is to help facilitate an eMicrosite meeting and care for the people who come to your eMicrosite.

o What are the time commitments expected of an eMicrosite leader?
The time commitments will vary for each eMicrosite leader depending on how many times a month you will meet. At a minimum, the time commitment will be about 60 minutes, which is the time you spend watching an Emmanuel Church service with your eMicrosite at each gathering.

o Does it need to be weekly?
No, you do not need to meet in person every week. Instead, we recommend that you find a time to gather either virtually or in person at least once a month with your eMicrosite to maintain the connection with your members.

o What support is provided for the leaders?
The Online Campus Staff is behind you the entire way. We will provide you with all the support you need to make your eMicrosite a success. We will have training before you launch, Impact 101, provide technical support, small group questions, SAVED boxes, Emmanuel Church swag, and anything else you need!

o Outside of watching the service together, are there any other expectations?
There are no expectations other than helping to build a community of Emmanuel Church people who want their community to come to Christ and grow in Christ!

o Does it matter where you meet?
It does not matter where you meet. It can be your home, community space, hotel conference room, etc. We just ask that it is a safe and clean environment.

o Is there a preferred method to stream the service for the group?
YouTube, Facebook, or our website (live.eclife.org) are the best ways to stream the service live! If you plan on meeting on a weekday, YouTube is the preferred method.