Garfield Park Campus

Sundays at 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM

Campus Pastor

Aaron Beasley

Aaron Beasley is the Associate Executive Pastor of Multi-sites and eMicrosites. He joined staff in 2010 and has held numerous positions in Families Ministries as well as being a campus pastor for 4+ years. Aaron is also currently serving as the Interim Garfield Park Campus Pastor. Aaron has amazing wife, Leyla, and is totally a girl dad to LucÍa and SofÍa. He loves the Indiana Hoosiers and all sports. He loves Settlers of Catan and other board games. He enjoys traveling as his wife is from Nicaragua and likes all things spicy. He also is a professional zamboni driver.

Take a walk with  Pastor Cody through the Stones Crossing Campus!

Student Ministry Pastor

Justin Ray

Kids Ministry Director

Alyssa Carpenter

Contact Alyssa

Sundays at 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM