Impact Team

Each one of us has been given unique gifts by God! When you serve at Emmanuel you are a part of a team of people who are committed to using those gifts to further the Kingdom of God, hence the name Impact Team! You are never more like Jesus than when you serve- in fact, the part you play has an impact on others coming to Christ and growing in Christ. 

Join the Team

The Emmanuel Impact Team has serving opportunities for every personality, skill set, season, and schedule. You'll build relationships, grow in your personal relationships with Christ, all while creating opportunity for others to grow in Christ as well. 

Your first step to get involved is Impact 101. It's designed to help you discover your unique wiring and how you can apply your God-given gifts. You'll then be able to register to try out the serving opportunity that looks best to you.

Impact 101 is the start, but it doesn't end there. In fact, it's just part of what we call Impact Team Night - worship, training, connection, and encouragement, all rolled into one! To find out more about Impact Team Night, just keep scrolling down...


Impact Team Night

The church is built on the gifts and talents of many people, and Impact Team Night is when we all come together. We eat together, learn together, grow together, have fun together - all while focusing on God and what He's doing through Emmanuel Church.

Each Impact Team Night is divided into two parts. Part one is everyone together and includes a set of unique experiences designed to strengthen us as a team while building Christ-likeness into everything we do.

The second half of Impact Team Night contains two different tracks - one for newbies, and one for those actively serving. If you're a first-timer checking things out, you'll head to Impact 101. If you're a current team member, you'll connect, train, and grow with your fellow team members in your specific area of ministry.

To register for our next Impact Team Night, you can text TEAM to 65248 (registering for Impact 101 automatically registers you for Impact Team Night) or use the register button below to register online.

The next Impact Team Night is Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 6:30 PM


Register for Impact Team Night

Why we Serve