This devotional will guide you through Emmanuel's 21-day fast during our Walk by Faith series and provide daily scripture and encouragement.

The fast will begin Monday, January 11.

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What is fasting?

Fasting is temporarily abstaining from something, like food, in order to intensify our expression of need for God and his work in our lives. 

Types of Fasts

Full Fast: No food. Drink only water and juice.

The Daniel Fast: Do not eat meat, sweets or bread. Eat fruits and vegetables. Drink water and juice.

Partial Fast: Fast for a portion of the day. (e.g. 6:00am–3:00pm)

Meaningful Fast: Choose something that would be a sacrifice to give up, such as social media, television, video games, weekends out, cell phone, etc.

Before the Fast

Prepare mentally and physically by cutting down on food intake one week before the actual fast. Reduce strong beverages like coffee, tea or coke. Drink plenty of water. Be cautious, and consult your doctor if you are unsure of your physical condition.

During the Fast

Spend the time that you would normally use for meals to pray and seek the Lord. Keep a journal on what the Lord has been showing you. Drink plenty of water and juice. Get plenty of sleep. The first few days of the fast are usually the most challenging. Persevere through this period.

Ending the Fast

Do not break your fast abruptly. Pace yourselves to return slowly to your normal diet in about a week.